Tuesday 27 August 2013

Are You Happy ??

There is happiness when each moment is used in a worthwhile way. Hapiness is such a nourishment that it can transform a person from weak to powerful. It makes difficult things easy, heavy things light. To remain happy and share happiness with others is the greatest act of charity. No matter what happens your happiness should not be lost.

Thursday 15 August 2013


When I'm continuously being battered by the storms of life, and my very spirit is ebbing away, then all I need to do is to hang on to that gift called 'FAITH', that one support which will weather out the storms. Faith requires not logic but just belief. Beleiving in the self and the strength that lies within. Faith is the foundation for making the impossible possible.

Thursday 25 July 2013


3. Property or real estate

An expert in real estate was asked about what to look for when investing in property. His answer : 'location, LOCATION, LOCATION!'.



When you buy shares in a company it means that you are buying a part of the company. In other words you are also one of the owners of the company. You may consider trading ( buying and selling ) in shares of a public-listed company via a remisier. However, the risk are high as the share market trends are unpredictable. Generally speaking, you need to " buy low, sell high " in order to make money.

Tuesday 16 July 2013


2.Unit Trust or Mutual Fund

This is an investment scheme that enables many investors who share the same financial objectives to pool their money to be invested and managed by professional fund managers for mutual benefits.

All unit trusts normally operate on a dual pricing basis whereby investors purchase the units at a selling price and redeem them at the buying or repurchase price.

An important benefits of unit trust is diversification where investors can access a broader range of securities than they could on their own. For the small investors because of their limited resources, unit trusts offer better exposure to the different classes of assets. Even though there is a long-term risk to owning mutual funds, if you invest prudently and for long-term, mutual funds should outperform safer investments like bank deposits or bonds and inflation over time. 

Monday 15 July 2013


Invest, Invest, Invest !

There are many types of investments you can make. Let's concentrate more on the common investments found in this country, starting with the safest to the riskiest.  


Investments of such nature include savings accounts and fixed deposits.

The magic of compound interest.
We have all heard of bank interest, so what is the big deal about compound interest? A lot! First of all, what is compound interest? It is interest that earns interest.

For example, if you save RM100.00 with a bank earning an interest rate of 6% per year, after a year, your account will earn:
                                      Interest = interest rate x deposit
                                                       = 0.06 X RM100.00
                                                       = RM6.00

Now your original investment has become RM 100.00 + RM6.00 = RM 106.00. And suppose that new investment of RM 106.00 is deposited for another year at the same interest rate :

                                      Interest = interest rate x deposit
                                                       = 0.06 X RM106.00
                                                       = RM6.36                       

So your deposit has grown, it has become
 RM 106.00 + RM6.36 = RM 112.36.

This is so called Compound Interest.                                           

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Manage your Debt

How to Reduce Your Debts ???

Here's what you need to do :

1.  Make a list of all your debts, including the interest rates charged.

2.  Work out the maximum that you can reasonably afford to pay towards you debts each month, setting aside as much as possible to the debts, starting with the highest interest rate then working down to the lowest.

3.  Try to restructure some of your loans and repay some of higher interest debts, especially credit cards, with cheaper loans like housing loans. 

4.  Stop using credit cards or purchasing any item on installment basis. Pay cash only.

5.  If you cannot afford to pay cash for the purchased, forget about it.

6.  Stick closely to your plan no matter what happens. Accept no excuses.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Something to think about..

Action is no less necessary than thought to the instinctive tendencies of the human frame.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday 20 June 2013

How Much Are You Worth ?

Just calculate your net worth! Your net worth means your actual wealth or net assets. It can be taken as the amount of money remaining after all the assets are sold and all liabilities are fully paid-up. If your net worth is less than zero, your family is in financial danger. Constant checks against this value will give a pretty good picture of your financial health.


One of the ways some people become rich was by increasing and multiplying their net worth. The basic idea here is to accumulate assets (like property) and reduce liabilities (like loans).

So what are assets?
Assets are things that you own, including cash in hand, bank savings, fixed deposits, shares, unit trusts, cars, property, EPF contributions, etc.
Here is a twist... Your house or car does not fully belong to you until you have settled repaying the loan.

What are liabilities?
Liabilities are monies owned by you to others, in other words, your debts. If your house is purchased using a bank loan, then the amount of the loan becomes your liability. When you charged a purchase to your credit card and the amount is not fully paid-up, then you have incurred a liability. Where you stand as of today in terms of your financial health is indicated by your net worth: 


Your net worth can change through time. If you have just started out in your career, your net worth will probably be small due to commitments to a car or study loan.

As you grow older, having repaid your commitments and accumulated more assets, like your house, your net  worth will increase substantially. Many years later when your children need money for their university, some assets may be disposed off to fund their education, thereby reducing your net worth. So, calculate your price today to avoid experiencing poor financial health in future. 


Tuesday 18 June 2013

                                       BIG MOUTHS                                    

   Tim liked to run. He was thin and short, and not very fast. But Tim worked at it, running to and from school, and doing hard work after school each day.

   The school was planning a very long run for all of the students, with a special award for the winner. Students and teachers were all talking about who would win the run. 

   Some of the big boys talked about how fast they were, and other students believed that one of the big boys would win.

   One the day of the run, Tim was one of the last runners to the first drink stop. But by the second stop, many of the big, fast runners were dropping out of the run. They were all talk and very little action.

   When the other runners slowed down, Tim moved forward, toward he front of the group.

    In the end, Tim was the winner because he worked hard when others were talking. This is an important truth to learn for a good life.

Monday 17 June 2013

Don't seek, don't search, don't knock, don't demand - relax.. If you relax, it comes.If you relax it is there. If you relax you start vibrating with it.
If you can dream it, then you can achieve it.
You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.
                                                                                                                             - zig zigler
Money isn't the most important thing in life but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the " gotta have it " scale.
                                                                                                                                - zig ziglar

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Socrates, a great genius who lived in Greece 2000 years ago has said that you can do wonders if you know yourself.

Have you ever travelled by a train which travels with the speed of 10 800 km/h. Believe me my friend, you are always travelling by a train at such speed. Yes... That train is our mother earth.

 You know that earth is a part of the Solar System which is a small piece in the Universe which contains several thousand crores of Galaxies. When compared to the infinite size of the Universe the size of the human being seems impact negligible size but the power of man is unique in the Universe.

Scientists have calculated that the Sun, the Earth and other planets of the Solar System were formed 4600 million years ago. The first living creature i.e. single celled bacterium emerged on our earth around 4000 million years ago. Then multicellular organisms, plants and animals evolved from Apes some 100 thousands years ago. Primitive man entered civilized societies some 10 000 years ago.


Over these 100 000 years, the human brain has developed into the most complex organ in the world. Can you believe that we are using only an average of less than 1% of our brain's ability to remember things. Just think how much more room left over in the 99% of our brain....!!!


- GENIUS KIT series 1